Feel Alive & Thrive Registration Form

Feel Alive & Thrive Registration Form

If there is no date or no additional date available, it’s because trainers have not yet signed up to facilitate it.
Please add the date and Zoom link to your calendar. Calendly wasn’t meeting our scheduling needs so we no longer use that software to send out reminders and links. Hosted in the Process Works Zoom Discovery Room: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86706650163?pwd=SlM5SWtReEhSLy9kOXhjRm9zTmp5QT09 Meeting ID: 867 0665 0163 Passcode: 318823 Canceling: If you sign up and decide not to come, will you please email us/use the site contact form to let us know as soon as possible? It may affect our facilitator’s plans for participant activities.
* If you are from a country or have circumstances that make this request prohibitive, please contribute what you can or see the alternative option. Stripe fees are approx. 3% plus 40 cents of what you contribute, however, if you are in Canada, you can avoid these fees by making an e-transfer. The contribution fees is not refundable.