Custom Trainings for Personal Relationships – Your private group

From: $414.00

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Transforming our mindsets – for example, never hearing criticism and labels, again – transforms our conversations, and these transform our lives. Anything that anyone says is ultimately to meet a need, whether they are aware of it or not, and there are strategies that serve us and others more or less well.  We can ask for what we want and give feedback without criticism or diagnoses. The starting point for being able to do that is personal clarity about what is swirling around in us.

We change naturally and sustainably when we see a way forward that is less painful and more joyful, and change from this energy builds our resilience, trust in ourselves, and mutual trust.  This is a far more powerful and life-serving form of change than anything that comes out of a sense of shame, guilt, or fear; indeed, rather than obligation and coercion, we need clarity about what matters to us and to others to create change that everyone is happy about and can stand behind.

Together, we can create, as Dr. Marshall Rosenberg says, the quality of connection where natural giving occurs. In other words, the relationships we build are steeped in trust and a willingness to collaborate. For example, this happens when we

  • Trade self-loathing with clarity about and tenderness for how our inner critics aim to protect us and to help us to grow.
  • Trade grounding our children when they don’t do homework with hearing their ambitions and supporting them to connect with the purpose and joy in learning.
  • Trade fights with our partners over finances with heart-felt discussions about our worries, hopes and dreams for financial security, financial freedom, and time together.
  • Trade pain and snarky remarks to friends who don’t come for a lunch we planned with curiosity and self-expression about our desire for connection and consideration. 
  • Trade frustrations with “rude” family services clients with tender compassion for their deepest concerns and requests for support so we can assist them with ease.

What is it that you long for most in your relationships? What would your world look like if you could shape it? What would bring you hope, fulfillment, connection, and joy?

Bring together a group of six (6) or more people (e.g. family members, friends, teachers, day-care providers or other family-service-provider coworkers) and let me know what your group focus is. I will create a communication training offering for you, either in-person or online.  

For ease, Book Now to book a 20 minute free conversation to get started. I can walk you through the three-step process (discovering your needs, scheduling, and payment).

Additional information

Group Size

up to 10 participants, up to 30 participants

Number of Training Hours

2 hour test drive, 3 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours (7 hours plus breaks), 16 days (14 hours plus breaks)