The Practice (1st through 4th Wednesdays of the month, 9-10:30 am MT Edmonton; Monthly Registration)

Requested contribution (Ranges available): $60.00

If you have means, we would appreciate at least this contribution: $40.00


How can we feel closer to our loved ones, invite support from others, and show up with confidence? The Practice gives you space to gain awareness about yourself and others with the help of the language of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) so that you can listen, be heard, and express yourself more fully, with less judgment. The ongoing series is a facilitated, interactive exploration of NVC using activities such as personal reflection, journaling, small group breakout exercises, role-playing, games and more. Participants can ask the facilitator for the topics that most interest them for the next session. There is no prerequisite though learning will be accelerated considerably by taking part in an introduction to NVC. We share vulnerably - even the facilitator - so you know you are not alone and don't need to be perfect! What we do ask is a willingness to actively practice connecting through NVC.  Are you joining to support your communication growth? Where there is willingness, there is rich learning possible and we can, together, create a safe space through our humility and openness. We delve into a range of NVC ideas from the NVC model (observations, feelings, needs, and requests; the 4 ears, 3 kinds of requests), NVC practices (e.g. hearing another's anger, expressing and hearing a no, self empathy, mourning and learning from our regrets, screaming in giraffe, expressing and receiving gratitude, making conscious choices with an awareness of needs, making an NVC apology, and resolving inner conflict), and 24 NVC key differentiations (e.g. power with vs. power over or power under, protective vs. punitive use of force, appreciation vs. approval, compliments, or praise, shift vs. compromise, persisting vs. demanding, and self-discipline vs. obedience). At present, we have agreed to focus on empathy in weeks 1 and 3 of the month and a range of topics on weeks 2 and 4. If there is a 5th week, there is, in principle, no session. You can sign up here for the current calendar month of sessions. Sign up is by month. Facilitator: Elke Haggerty, LL.M., MBA, CNVC Certified Trainer